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Writer's pictureMercedes Dauphinais

Here is the way, walk in it. Come, follow Me.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance... and let us run with endurance the race set out for us." ~ Hebrews 12:1

I have a theory...

I apologize ahead of time if this offends someone or makes them uncomfortable, though I'm sure it won't be you! ;) I'm a little riled up, so we're going to see how well I can articulate this.

Say a prayer!

Heavenly Father, thank You for helping my words fall away and allowing only Your message to break through. Please and thank You that Your children only ever hear what You would have them hear through anything I offer in any context, ever. Amen.

Okay, here we go... Here's my thought. So often I hear Christians say, we're perfectly made in the image of God.

I can go with that, to a point.

However, it also seems to me that a disproportionate number of believers use being made perfectly in our mother's wombs with everything He knew we'd need, being well equipped by the Creator of the Universe, having Him at our back willing to offer all of the strength and grace and peace we need, if only we'll receive it...

It seems to me too many of us use that as an excuse to stay stuck, to not step up and step out as He created us to do, to not BE the child He created us to be.

Let's be clear, if I'm doing any finger pointing here at all (which is not my intent,) I am acutely aware that three fingers are pointing right back at me.

I have been this person far more times than I can count, and I have a healthy awe/fear of my Creator regarding what He's going to have to say about that when the moment arrives in which I am held to account.

Here's the deal...

I think He created you for GREATNESS!!

Were you perfectly and wondrously and fearfully made to be a domestic engineer? (ie: a stay at home rockstar) MAYBE!

How about a fire throwing performing artist, because goodness only knows who your life will touch as you walk it out?

Only you can know, by really tuning into that Still Small Voice, by tuning into what He is calling you to.




What if it's YOU?

Whatever it is that breaks your heart; the thing that breaks His heart, what if you're the answer, or at least part of it in your own little corner of the world?

We are called to be co-laborers here on earth.

WE are compelled by the Messiah Himself to step up and step out in our giftings and the callings of our hearts, to be His hands and feet, to be salt and light.

In order to accomplish whatever He has set us on this path to accomplish, we are offered the strength and boundless creativity and resourcefulness of the Creator of the Universe, if only we'll tap into what He offers.

WE have Resurrection Power.

That's no small thing!

How is it possible so many of His kiddos are sitting around on their thumbs or binge watching Netflix beyond sanity?

In moderation? Knock yourself out.

But, far too many of us are numbing out life and what we're here for with media, social media, anything that will drown out the Still Small Voice and the sense of responsibility that comes with even an inkling of what He would have us do with our precious few days on earth.

I propose... Enough is enough.

I'm not saying you have to move to Mozambique and evangelize, or maybe that's exactly what He's calling you to. I don't know.

Honorable as it is, it's not likely He's going to ask you to take on an isolated life as a monk or nun.

Frankly, with the ways of the world being what they are, even though I'm not catholic, I've been tempted by that life plenty of times.

I'd be beside myself if God asked me to do some of the things I watch other people accomplish.

Do I enjoy supporting those folks at every opportunity?


Am I the person called to kick down doors to rescue children from the slave trade?

No! That's not who He created me to be. His confirmation in ways that whisper only to me, to my heart, to my soul, tell me what my role is.

And, He does the same for you... for every single one of His own, if only we'll be still and listen and receive.

... not to mention take action, but that's a conversation for another time.

If you can't tell via the written word, I'm a little fired up. I see SO MUCH potential in His kids, and I see so many taking a back seat to circumstance.


The storm of last year being what it has been, it's okay that a lot of us were knocked back on our heels. It was a doozy.

And, that was above and beyond whatever else life handed each of us.

It's time for a shift.


Tomorrow is promised to no one, and we communally grasp that today perhaps better than we have in a long time.

We can talk all kinds of practical tips, tricks, and tools, but this is already getting a little long.

So, for today, I challenge you....

I challenge you to take time to be still and hear Him.

Be willing to be open to knowing what He would have you do in this world... or even in a tiny moment.

Maybe you won't see a grand blueprint of your divine destiny today, or maybe you will. That's between you and the Big Guy.

If it's easier, when you're out running errands, start by asking, "Father, do You want me to go to the grocery store first or to the post office?"

It may sound silly, but I do it constantly. And, when you're willing to be open to it, it's remarkable how often He will offer confirmation that we've "walked in His way."

It's the tiny exercise I use to tune my ear to His voice, to better learn to listen and obey.

And, let's be real, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I drop the ball, I'm guessing sometimes I drop the ball royally.

Yet, it's critical to listen for His leading and walk it out. That way, having done so in small ways and moments, when the bigger asks come, we'll know the "sound" of His voice.

Part of the reason I'm so feisty today may just be because He's giving me a kick in the posterior. It's amazing how often people out to influence the world in the ways of God are "preaching" to themselves.

But, this one is JUICY. This is so worth doing!!!

Maybe you're already on this road! Perhaps you're beyond the evolutionary spirit phase in which I find myself. If so, kuddos to you!

Still, I challenge you. Why not take it and see what new levels He has for us all? There's always another step beyond.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to get to be and experience the blessing of life as He intends for us?

One of my greatest fears is to come before Him someday and have Him say, look at everything you could have known, seen, done, been... if only you'd followed my lead.

My ultimate goal is, of course, to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant."

But, in my final mortal hours, I want peace in knowing that when I knew better, I did better; that I listened for His voice, and as often as my humanity allowed, I heard His guidance and chose to trust and obey.

That is something I want for us all!

Okay, I'm going to give you your day back now. But, please know, I'm on your team. I want you to have everything the Father has in store for you. Beyond being in my prayers, we're going to weave in practical ways to get there and I look forward to serving as many people as possible in helping to get there, wherever that is for you.

Today, we're going to begin to tune our ear, to listen to where He's leading us in ways large and small, to be obedient when He whispers or nudges or whatever it is He does to engage with you when He says, here is the way, walk in it, come, follow me.

Heavenly Father... Our Abba... THANK YOU!!!

Thank You that You have called us as Your own.

Thank You for helping us to walk out this life as You would have us do!

Thank You for helping us to be the blessing you would have us be and to receive the blessings You would have us receive as we walk out this earthly journey.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Onward! ... keeping our eyes ever on You.

In the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben Elohim.


"For this commandment is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way to life..." ~ Proverbs 6:23

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." ~ Psalm 119:105

"Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" ~ Hebrews 12:7

May the Good Lord bless you and keep you, friends... always, in all ways. Amen.

Bonus Song of Praise... ♥

P.S. ... It wasn't until I was revised and very nearly ready to push publish that I remembered this song. So perfect. Thank You, God.

May you be greatly blessed, beauties! Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.

********************* Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture citations are sourced from The Holy Bible, " Study Bible, BSB

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