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Welcome to the Realm of LLLegacy...

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You have entered the world of LLLegacy!  And, we're so glad you're here.

Okay, let's be real, it's not our world, it all belongs to Him, but allow me to introduce the who, what, why...


I'm Mercedes, my mother is Suzanne, and my grandmother is Gloria.

To ring in 2010 with a bang, one mother daughter duo decided to do a 40-day Biblical fast, not the first, nor the last.

In lieu of solid foods?  Bible study and prayer, and lots of fluids.

At the end, mother said to daughter, "What if we keep doing this?  What if we loop in Grandma and the three of us read the Bible and pray together every day?"


Granted, one of us missed on rare occasion for whatever reason, but that began the daily transcontinental practice I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

Shortly after we began this amazing tradition (which, upon hearing tell, countless others have made their own ♥) my mother asked, "How are we going to make sure this has an impact beyond the three of us when Grandma passes away?"

At the time, we had no idea  Mom would meet Jesus first.

After almost 7 years of the three of us spending daily time together in the Word, we were down to two. 

Grandma and I maintained the practice for 3.5 years after that.  At the age of almost 97, she danced into the arms of the Father.


And then, there was one.

More than a decade of intergenerational daily prayer steeped in deep deep love and connection with each other and our Creator.  That is the foundation of all of this...  built on the Rock, of course.

Which brings us to today.

The vision for the family of LLLegacy efforts was born a decade ago in conversation with my mother, and has been in a crock pot ever since.

The idea was to serve and support primarily women believers in drawing near to the Father, in better knowing the Savior as we all endeavor to become more like Him, and to be well led by the Holy Spirit, shining Their Light and Love in the world, being Their Legacy.

So, here we are.

There was a powerful pivot point that came to pass in April of 2020, mere days ago at first writing.  Just as these ideas were about ready to see the light of day, Grandma somewhat unexpectedly joined Mom on the other side of the River Jordan.

Now, I have the privilege of being their earthly legacy as we all do our best to be salt and light and live as Their legacy on earth.

More than a decade of prayer, study, supplication, obedience, reverence, love, and joy is poured into every word, every effort; poured into you in the hope that you will get to receive the great blessings of such a three-strand cord at such a time as this.


Friends, thank you for being here, in whatever measure for whatever duration.  You are a blessing.  I am grateful, we are grateful.  And, we look forward to getting to see you, to know you, and to be a blessing to you along the road.


May the Good Lord bless you and keep you...  always, in all ways.

3 Generations
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~  Mustard Seed Moxie  ~

Whole-life development, with an eye toward Biblically-based wholistic personal growth, and peak performance training for Jesus-lovers.

Where Scripture, science, and cultural observation meet.

Mustard Seed Moxie Content © 2019-2021 LLLegacy, LLC

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